Eyes forward — Watch for the rainbow!

Rainbows introduce us to reflections of different beautiful possibilities so we never forget that pain and grief are not the final options in life.
Lately I’ve noticed hand-painted rainbows pasted on windows — what an uplifting sight! Children the world over are doing their part to cheer us up with a sign of hope as we self-isolate.
Queen Elizabeth said recently — “Rainbows drawn by children will become a symbol of the national spirit in the face of the pandemic.”
Rainbows have always been a symbol of hope. Lovely to look at — perfect arcs with a spectrum of beautiful colours — filled with a promise of better times ahead. They take our breath away — making us stop to admire them for a moment of serenity.
From ancient times, a rainbow has promised better times to come — God dispatched one to Noah after the great deluge as a sign of a bright future, one where people would not have to worry about another flood. Often described with a pot at the end of them, rainbows also promise good luck and fortune.
Rainbows also convey a message of diversity and inclusion, each vibrant colour beautiful on its own, yet tied to the other in joint harmony. Rainbows encourage us to embrace differences and to practice acceptance.
Sunshine usually follows the darkest storms… and I am filled with optimism!
Let’s look for rainbows to motivate us to pursue our dreams and endure through these tough times. Let’s challenge ourselves to think deeply and create a better version of ourselves, embracing hope, diversity, being positive and strong, and carrying with us the beautiful promise of good things when this trying period is behind us.
Even though things may seem difficult at times, let’s remember that we live in a beautiful world full of potential and brimming with possibilities. It’s up to us to figure out how to use it, nurture it and live our best lives.
I hope we never have this kind of calamity again. Although, now that we do have this precious time, how might we cherish the special moments? The best things in life are free: love, peace, happiness, faith, knowledge, dreams. How might we make a personal commitment never to take simple things for granted again? How do we ensure we are never driven by greed or money but by our best selves?
The future is in our hands — such a powerful thing! Let’s make it better on the other side as we soar over the rainbow.
As the song goes, “… It’s true we make a better day, just you and me”.
Are you looking to discover new pathways? Trying to consider things with a new perspective? Are you ready to soar from this gloomy phase to a bright, exciting one?
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